As a result of skills shortages, fluctuating workloads, the changing nature of the workplace, and contingency requirements, an increasing number of companies are making use of temporary employment service (TES) providers provided by our members. While TES Providers provide an important service to the industry, compliance to the relevant legislation and bargaining council agreements is paramount. The TESD was established by TES Providers that practice self-regulation and who stay abreast of the latest legislative developments. They uphold good governance and implement industry requirements. Compliance should be the main consideration when a client chooses a TES Provider.
The TESD has been rolling out an accreditation process for a couple of years now, affording members time within which to voluntarily apply to be accredited according to a specific set of criteria listed below:
- The Company's registration document.
- Membership with the TESD.
- The registration number issued by the MEIBC (Metal and Engineering Industries Bargaining Council) in respect of Temporary Employment Services in terms of the Council's Registration and Administration Expenses Agreement.
- An affidavit warranting compliance with regard to legislation and Collective Agreements.
- Correct wage rates are being paid to placed staff, and correct deductions are being made in respect of the MEIBC Collective Agreements.
- Physical business address of the TES Provider.
- A list of the TES Provider’s clients, which will remain confidential between the member and the MEIBC.
- Copies of current Main Agreement exemptions, if applicable.
- Employment contracts available for inspection.
- Letter of good standing from the Compensation Commissioner.
- Certificate of Compliance from the Unemployment Insurance Fund.
- Tax clearance certificate from SARS.
- Proof of submission of Employment Equity Reports, if applicable.
- BEE certificate or score card, if applicable.
- The registration number allocated by the Director-General of Labour and/or a certificate of registration in respect of section 24 of the Skills Development Act.
- The company policy on ethics must conform to the CEA (TESD) Code of Ethics.
- The company is up to date with all contributions to MIBFA (Metal Industries Benefit Funds Administrators) in terms of the MEIBC Collective Agreements.
- Contribution to CAPES (Confederation for the Private Employment Sector).
A new member is given an opportunity to comply with all the accreditation criteria within their first 12 months of membership and would therefore be required to pay membership fees in full upon registration. An accredited member has successfully undergone the accreditation process and has been issued with an accreditation certificate valid for a year. The TESD undertakes to promote and advertise all accredited members through various platforms and forums at its disposal.